вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

beverly johnson pictures

October 17th - Monterrey, Mexico
The Hardys defeated Chavo Guerrero Mark Henry after a Swanton Bomb from Jeff onto Mark Henry

October 18th - Mexico City
Matt Hardy defeated Mark Henry
Triple Threat Match for the US Heavyweight Title: Shelton Benjamin defeated Jeff Hardy MVP with the pin on MVP to retain his title.

October 19th - Mexico City

Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy defeated Mark Henry and Chavo Guerrero, when Jeff pinned Guerrero with the swanton. The Hardy Boyz wore masks to and from the ring.

Aww man, I hope someone got pics of that

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cosmo world of warcraft

Recently, Iapos;ve felt sad. I donapos;t know. I donapos;t have a lot going on and I�feel like Iapos;m not going to, you know? I donapos;t know. I�canapos;t believe Iapos;m missing the Cosplay Oneesan thing... Itapos;s going to be so amazing. I feel sick all over for a lot of reasons of them, none of them being that Iapos;m actually sick. Ah, I feel so bad I miss my life but I donapos;t want it like that.�

And I�want lolita. More than anything. I�dreamt that I�was wearing BTSSBapos;s Marie Antoinette JSK and it fit me and it looked so good....and it felt good and I was so happy. But then I woke up.�

I keep dreaming that other people that show little interest in lolita get to buy and wear it. Nightmares. They hurt me. I donapos;t want people who donapos;t yearn for it to wear it. I know itapos;s selfish, but lolita...Iapos;m in love with it as if it were a person. It hurts and it feels good to think about it. I�want it to look good on people but at the same time, I want it to be only for me. It was designed just for me but made for someone else...�

I�recently reread Novalaapos;s poem " rules on lolita" �or something and it embodied everything that Iapos;m feeling. Letapos;s see if I can find it. Here we go (credit of course to wherever itapos;s due)

"I want to become a lolita, you say.�
So become one, I reply.
What can I do to look like a lolita?
I have no words with which to reply to this.
You need a headdress, donapos;t you? And a pannier.
Is this coordinate strange?
Is it not wrong for lolita?
Why do you want to do lolita?
Because itapos;s trendy, because my friends do it...
If thatapos;s the case, you have no right to wear lolita.
If you just do what the others do, you will look like a lolita.
But I want you to think about something.
Who do you live for?
You think you want to be yourself, but you are afraid of isolation.
You yell that you want to be free, but you take comfort in following convention.
When you are praised for something you donapos;t even feel comfortable with, are you really satisfied?
Girls who wear Vivienne Westwood but donapos;t even know the Sex Pistols.
Even when wearing a jersey, a princess is a princess.
My lolita rules are mine alone.
So you are the only one who can find your own lolita rules.
My god and your god are different, arenapos;t they?
There are angels who wear elegant dresses and play tamborines,
But there are also angels wearing armor and carrying swords whose job it is to fight.
I canapos;t answer your question.
But there are a lot of hints all around you.
You just havenapos;t noticed yet.
What you feel is right is your answer.
Sew frills onto the hem of your heart
Put a tiara on top of your soul
Have pride."

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

caterham 7 owners club

The whole of yesterday was AWESOME :))
  • tang yuan. YES, FINALLY aft craving it for weeks
  • sentosa with Neh Neh
  • got burnt and Neh loves it. HAHA
  • shopped around orchard
  • got myself eyeliner and a top for the boy
  • i wanted to see something NEW so Iv drove us to Geylang to look at you-know-what. HAHA
  • and next was East Coast to see "car shake shake" HAHA new name for it. I was screaming in the car when i saw newspapers sticking out.
  • up to Henderson Waves and Mount Faber
  • home sweet home
sooooo looking forward to Sunday :)) meeting Neh and Iv for dessert. This time round, tgt with the boy.

been swimming quite a lot lately. Feel like a healthy kid :)) HAHA

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

acoustic mp3 downloads

Some Sunday mornings, Iapos;d wake up to get ready for church, walk downstairs to find my dad still awake from Saturday, having been up all night long playing records. Heapos;d sometimes want me to sit and listen with him. Sometimes Iapos;d have to remind him Iapos;d be late for church if he didnapos;t let me get ready. My dad was very authoritative and I remember having to remind him in just the right way to avoid conflict which may have prevented me from going to church. When you are a kid and you wanna do stuff, you definitely figure a way to find and implement all the ways of getting consent from a very authoritative and controlling parent. :)

We danced to Nancy Sinatraapos;s - Boots. And we enjoyed Wincester Cathedral many times. :)

To My Dad - Fun memories :) Love, Your Daughter

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

eliminating soft money

In my most recent blog post some two weeks ago, I asked you what compliance rules you would like to see changed if you had a chance to sit down with the next administration.� Well, it seems folks are a bit shy so in an effort to get the ball rolling, I'm going to share with you a bit of my "wish list" on this topic.

1. Since the Section 42 Low Income Housing Tax Credits program continues to thrive, the Internal Revenue Service and HUD should put their heads together and come up with one Compliance Monitoring Handbook.� The state agency groups have made efforts to address this and are deserving of recognition.� The time has come to get it done.� When an owner with Tax Credit properties in four different states has to have four sets of compliance rules, this results in confusion at best and a catastrophic non-compliance situation at worst.

2. Section 202/8: Get rid of the ridiculous rule in HUD Handbook 4350.3, Rev. 1 (Paragraph 7-4D) that implies adult children admitted after move in have their income counted even though their presence is necessary for the care of their parent(s).� And if you're going to prevent Section 202's from collecting NSF fees, allow those fees as "special claims."� The overwhelming majority of Section 202's are non-profits and their banks are charging them NSF fees.

3. Start approving Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans (AFHMP's) that have been floating around your respective offices for months.�

More next time.

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abersoch land and sea

This evening I�rushed home from work to get there at 5pm.� I�took Jade and Liam to Culvers.� It was a special Culvers day for the school.� Some of the teachers from the school were delivering meals.� It was also $1 per butterburger day.� Jade had a soccer match at 6pm.� So the idea was to rush in, get something to eat and then head off to soccer.� The day was overcast and there had been showers throughout the day.� However, Culvers was packed.� It took ages to order and get our food.� By the time we got the food, it was time to go.� We quickly put the food into takeout bags and rushed off to soccer.� When we got to soccer, there were only a few of the light blue players there.� None of the green players that we were meant to play had turned up. We sent another mom to the Eastview fields to see if we were at the wrong fields, but there was noone there.� While we waited, I�played a little soccer with the girls who had shown up.� Maddie, Alexandra, Kaitlyn, Rachel and of course Jade.� We let Liam join as well plus Rachels sister Erica and Kaitlyns brother Andrew.� We played girls against boys, with Rachels mother being on the girls side.� So it was me with 2 6 year olds against a mom and 6 8 year old girls.� I tried to play so that I�did not score.� I tried to pass it off to Liam or Andrew to score.� I scored less than half of the 7 goals we scored.� The girls scored once, even though at times they had open goals or just Andrew in the goals as I was too tired to run back.� We played for a full hour and had lots of fun.

When I�got home I found an eMail from Jonathan Nissly the coach of the soccer that it had been cancelled that evening due to the rain sogging the fields during the day.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

disa latin music

I would like to start this off by saying seville and blair, thank you for your dedication to reading my entries as well as posting your own. We are the few and the faithful.. Lol

on a completely different note, i think im going to have to get bitter and angry and that is the last thing i wanted to do. I spent all day thinking about him. How cute i think he is, the way he holds me and kisses me, you know.. All that nonsense stuff. Then i found out that im actually off on halloween, which suprised me, but i was glad because its my favorite holiday. I spent the other part of the day thinking about how it would be great if we could go on our first official date on halloween. Its his favorite holiday too and what a way to celebrate you know?

but then i come home. And im looking around on myspace. And i start seeing things that disturb me. I saw that apparently his ex girlfriend told him to delete this girl from his myspace yesterday and he did. And im like..................

first of all, he had assured me that him and her are no more and that they will be no more. Early on we talked about this because i told him i didnt want to be hurt and if there was any chance of that he needed to tell me then, because i needed to end things there. He said there wasnt and things have went on like they have. But after reading that im like uhhhh what teh fuck, on le real?

either he told that girl that so that she would leave him alone, or its the truth. And honestly, how am i ever going to know? and this is the disadvantages of a long distant relationship. And the fact that we arent officially anything doesnt make this any better, because he could see what we are doing and what we have as one thing, and i could see it as a completely other thing.

im confused. I hope he tells me he lied to that girl so she would leave him alone, but only if that is the truth.

im going to try to sleep now.
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