воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

caterham 7 owners club

The whole of yesterday was AWESOME :))
  • tang yuan. YES, FINALLY aft craving it for weeks
  • sentosa with Neh Neh
  • got burnt and Neh loves it. HAHA
  • shopped around orchard
  • got myself eyeliner and a top for the boy
  • i wanted to see something NEW so Iv drove us to Geylang to look at you-know-what. HAHA
  • and next was East Coast to see "car shake shake" HAHA new name for it. I was screaming in the car when i saw newspapers sticking out.
  • up to Henderson Waves and Mount Faber
  • home sweet home
sooooo looking forward to Sunday :)) meeting Neh and Iv for dessert. This time round, tgt with the boy.

been swimming quite a lot lately. Feel like a healthy kid :)) HAHA

caterham 7 owners club, caterham 7 sale, caterham 7 sales, caterham 7 usa.

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